Address: Gamma Office Building, 1119 Budapest, Petzvál József utca 50-56, ground floor, office 3
NEW ADDRESS: 11. district, 1119 Budapest, Gamma Office Building, Petzvál József utca 56, ground floor, office 3
Consultations are based on set appointments from Monday till Friday, 8:00 am till 7:00 pm.
+36 30 8803967
Name of the service provider: Dr. Jáger Kirsztina Law Firm
Bar Association registration number: 5145
Head of office: Dr. Jáger Kirsztina
Seat: Gamma Office Building, 1119 Budapest, Petzvál József utca 56
Authority where the service provider is registered: Budapest Bar Association, KASZ: 36062135.
Liability insurance: MÜBSE
Tax number: 19320083-2-43
Bank account: Erste Bank Zrt. 11600006-00000000-97576918
Gamma Office building, 1119 Budapest, Petzvál József utca 56, ground floor, office 3
+36 30 880 3967
This website is maintained by Dr. Jáger Krisztina Law Firm, registration number of the Budapest Bar Association: 5145 in accordance with the laws and internal regulations applicable to lawyers, which can be found on the website together with information on client rights. > Privacy.